LA Weekly helps hype Simpson's movie while LACityBeat gets down in the Grass
July 19th 07 By Jay Good
About ten days ago random cannabis club landlords began receiving forfeiture letters from the DEA causing the landlords to make a decision possibly lose their property or evict the cannabis club owners. For many it was not much of a choice and in no time flat cannabis club owners began getting thirty day eviction notices.
The news was kept quiet by the club owners so as not to cause a panic among the landlords …Some of the first people outside of landlords and cannabis club owners to hear about the DEA letters were the weekly papers who advertise dozens upon dozens of display ads for these cannabis clubs . Then Tuesday morning the story officially broke in the LA Times
For some strange reason LA Weekly the second largest alt paper in the country didn’t touch the DEA/Landlord letter story. So what’s up with that, I'd like to know? I like the LA Weekly and Allison Margolin occasionally places her LA’s Dopest Attorney ads with them but the people over at Village Voice/New Times blew it and get a great big fat “Doh!” for ignoring this one... The voice of the people...lately, I think not.
Thankfully LACitybeat saw the DEA Landlord letter story for what it was and is; big breaking news effecting thousands locally with huge national ramifications. In today’s LACityBeat issue they are running a four page feature called
“Stay off the Grass” Read it and weep...that goes for you too, LA Weekly. - Jay Good
Allison Margolin has been busy in court the past two weeks fighting a medical marijuana case and plans to have a few things to say about this unfolding event soon
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