Experts: Pills becoming the new marijuana on campus
Elizabeth Cohen
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- The prescription drugs allegedly found in Al Gore III's possession this week are favorites among young people, according to drug abuse experts, who say prescription drugs may soon overtake street drugs in popularity.
Some young people perceive that prescription drugs are safer than street drugs, experts say.
"I wouldn't be surprised if right now at this point in time, there are more kids abusing prescription drugs than abusing marijuana," said Joseph A. Califano Jr., chairman and president of CASA, the National Center on Alcohol and Substance Abuse at Columbia University.
Gore was arrested on charges of possessing -- in addition to marijuana -- Vicodin, Xanax, Valium and Adderall.
This article really points out why pot must be legalized. And soon! Whatever you believe, keep in mind that while hundreds die every year from prescription medications, to date, not a single person has overdosed from smoking cannabis. 7/6 2.41PM